Our machines are located all over the world, as are our services
With every Allescnc solution, our customers not only get a high-performance machine with a wide work area, outstanding power, maximized material removal rate and unmatched surface quality, but most importantly, peace of mind and safety. Their confidence is based on our impressive service capabilities.
Allescnc Customer Service
As an Allescnc customer, we offer a full range of services for your machine: a free 24/7 service hotline for 24/7 service, as well as spindle service directly from the manufacturer to maximize reliability in production, maintenance and repair or Overhaul. At Allescnc, you can get everything in one place.
Allescnc customer first
We have again upgraded our service commitment. In addition to our fair prices, we now offer faster service. This is made possible by over a thousand service specialists and an extensive recruitment campaign as well as new products. Let's be put to the test!
Allescnc Machine tool service
Allescnc offers a variety of services to support and maintain your Allescnc machine. Whether you need one of our technicians to come to your facility for machine repair services, or need the help of our remote diagnostic team, Shangdong ALLES Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is always committed to providing high quality and professional customer service.
Local after-sales service country
At present, we have after-sales service countries in: Egypt, South Africa, Algeria, Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Uzbekistan, Iran, Thailand, Serbia, Italy, Poland, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Australia, etc.